Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Me... and my addictive personality

My roommate used the words "addictive personality" at some point in our recent past and they keep coming up in my head on a regular basis. At first this disturbed me, but now I realized it's just true, and I have one.

For a long time I genuinely thought something was wrong with me. Flash back to 1990. I'm 8 years old and I can't get enough of Chicken-in-a-Biscut. It's a type of cracker that's "chicken" flavored (much like Chicken Ramen) and is super yummy. It comes in a blue box. I could identify that blue box everywhere. this is probably one of the primary reasons that particular shade of blue is one of my favorites. Lets call it "cerulean." (theres also a whole thing about the "new" Crayola crayon colors, but that's a whole different blog post). As a young impressionable red-head I can remember eating boxes and boxes of these crackers. I was addicted. I've discovered that I can't buy a box of these at this point in my life or I will immediately eat THE ENTIRE BOX.

Flash forward a couplde of years to 1994. At 12 years old I my addiction had encompassed a person and when they decided I was little to ... ahem... intense for them I was crushed. Sadness.

I've extended this particular "flaw" to video games (Dragon Warrior III, Sonic the Hedgehog, Mario Kart, Ever Quest, Final Fantasy III, and most recently Professor Layton and the Curious Village), books (usually series - the Baby Sitters Club, Harry Potter, Twilight), bands (after the Anthology came out - the Beatles, the Goo Goo Dolls, the Decemberists, Death Cab), people, food, drinks, TV shows, authors, etc etc etc. The usual pattern is as follows: something random introduces me to a new thing. I do a little reasearch and experience some of the new thing. The new thing becomes all consuming and I spend hours of work and play time searching out new forms of stimulus containting the thing that I can consume. CONSUME CONSUME CONSUME. I spend a lot of time going back and reviewing all the things that happened with the new thing before I became aware of it. Earlier bolg posts, earlier albums, earlier years of life...

It's sort of a problem for people who don't also work this way because it's all I'll talk about for the next three weeks, or until another all consuming, addiction worthy "thing" comes along.

Currently addicted to: homemade Chicken Enchiladas (thank you, Nicole); Wil Wheaton, the idea of redoing my kitchen
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