Thursday, November 20, 2008

The Wellspring of a Blog

So, this is the inception of my blog. I've been spending a lot of time on Digg and Kirtsy lately, reading other people's thoughts and views on the world and life and stuff and things, so I thought I'd go ahead and keep my strong believe that my opinion matters more than most and I should share it with the world.

Since I am on the computer at work 9+ hours a day, it will probably be updated a lot, atleast until I get bored, or realize that I have nothing important to say. Either option is an incredibly likely possibility.

Quickly, the life and times of me:
  • Holiday Party at work - rapidly approaching!! My spare time is basically this
  • Holiday baking with Nicole - rapidly approaching! Thank goodness, as my crappy oven at home just won't cut it
  • TAMU v Texas game. Can't wait for this. In Austin.
  • Work = fun, awesome, crazy. I'm so in love with my job still.
  • People = my circle of friends is the best it's been in a while. I'm so excited about all the people in my life and about the upcoming Holiday season. It's so awesome to be able to do things for the people you love
  • POODLE! = Appa is doing great, still contemplating rescuing another one... Appa needs a Momo (Avatar)
  • Got back in touch with my cousins last October and still am in touch. I love that, and I love them. Caleb and Josh, I missed you so much, and I love that you're back in my life!

So many, many things. I feel like I've found a really great place in my life that I love.

Bye for now.

- Emily Waugh


borgvger said...

Congrats....and I = comment cherry breaker

Good Girls Don't, I Do © 2008 | Coded by Randomness | Illustration by Wai | Design by betterinpink!