Thursday, January 22, 2009

43 Things...

I've started my list - have you?

What do you want to do with your life?

Discover what's important, make it happen, share your progress. Find your 43 things. Learn more…

I've been introduced to 43 things by Jennifer Kliegl- THANKS JEN!! - and am currently working on my list. I only have 3 on there... so 40 more to go!! I'm trying not to do trivial things like "loose weight" because I'm doing that... I don't really want to put in on a list like this. This is more a "things I've been saying I'm going to do for years and years and years and haven't yet" list.

So - check in, read on, and start your own list!! Also follow me and Jennifer and cheer us both on. The more cheers you give, the more you recieve!

What are YOUR 43 things? Good luck!


Jennifer said...

Awww, yay!! So glad I could be an inspiration--isn't the site awesome?? I have always been a dreamer--now I'm finally going to get busy and do my things. And once it's verbalized (or at least written), it's started. And once it's shared, it's started even more, and encouraged. My list is actually about 100 things, but they don't let you put more than 43, so I guess that means it's time to get busy. Woohoo! Have fun!

Steve Morozumi said...

if i can come up with 3 things i can commit to seeing through to the end, i'm happy! okay, maybe 7 things. okay, maybe 6 times that many things. oh, that's 43 (lol)!

good luck on your 43 things girls! i'm rootin' for ya!

-Steve @ fluxlife

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