Thursday, July 28, 2011

New Hobby? New Business? New time and money waster?

If you know me, you know I dablle in event planning, in diy crafts and that I have an almost disease-level of addiction to wrapping paper. In the spirit of admitting I have a problem, I've decided to embrace it and combine all my loves together.

You might be asking "how would you do that?" I'll tell you how! By starting a "business."

Yes, business is in quotation marks, because I'm not incorporating or anything crazy like that, but I am investing in a domain, and honing my html/css coding skills. Last night I stayed up WAY past my bedtime playing with templates and crafting taglines and assembling some of my favorite photos of my work.

I've still got a LONG way to go, and this is not at all the "reveal" - I'm trying to keep the whole thing very hush hush until I actually have a website that can go live - but by this time next year I should have a fully developed website, one christmas gift-wrapping season and one wedding season "under my belt." And then... maybe... I'll be ready to incorporate.

Yay for new endavors.

Thursday, July 7, 2011


Originally submitted at UncommonGoods

An age-old problem that has plagued the mathematical community for years: how can I show off what a genius I am and still look devilishly handsome? Fear not my fellow geeks. With this old-school gold-plated brass pocket watch featuring the equivalent notations of all the numerals, you're sure t...

Great Novelty, Feels cheep for the Cost

By Emily in Houston from Houston, TX on 7/7/2011


3out of 5

Pros: Looks great, Good Watch Mechanics

Cons: Feels Cheap thin

Best Uses: Novelty Gift

Describe Yourself: Practical, Stylish, Classic, Modern

Was this a gift?: Yes

My boyfriend loved the Geek Pocket Watch, but would have prefered it in silver. I thought it was a great idea but was a bit dissappointed with the percieved quality upon receiving it. The watch feels "light" and "cheap" and in retrospect I wouldn't have spend $85.00 on it.

I feel it's a great idea, and great piece, but is not worth $85.


Good Girls Don't, I Do © 2008 | Coded by Randomness | Illustration by Wai | Design by betterinpink!