Thursday, July 28, 2011

New Hobby? New Business? New time and money waster?

If you know me, you know I dablle in event planning, in diy crafts and that I have an almost disease-level of addiction to wrapping paper. In the spirit of admitting I have a problem, I've decided to embrace it and combine all my loves together.

You might be asking "how would you do that?" I'll tell you how! By starting a "business."

Yes, business is in quotation marks, because I'm not incorporating or anything crazy like that, but I am investing in a domain, and honing my html/css coding skills. Last night I stayed up WAY past my bedtime playing with templates and crafting taglines and assembling some of my favorite photos of my work.

I've still got a LONG way to go, and this is not at all the "reveal" - I'm trying to keep the whole thing very hush hush until I actually have a website that can go live - but by this time next year I should have a fully developed website, one christmas gift-wrapping season and one wedding season "under my belt." And then... maybe... I'll be ready to incorporate.

Yay for new endavors.


Karina said...

Hi Emily!! I didn't know you had a blog. :) Congrats on the new biz...looking forward to the reveal.

Good Girls Don't, I Do © 2008 | Coded by Randomness | Illustration by Wai | Design by betterinpink!