Thursday, February 23, 2012

Living an Intentional Life

I've been really inspired lately by Sara of 2000 Dollar Wedding and Feeding the Soil, and have been doing some serious thinking about what I want my blogging life to look like and how I want to execute it. I feel a bit like I have all these amazing ideas and no ability to execute. I know that's not true. When I want to make something happen, I do, so I'm making this a priority now!

To start, I'm going to make myself a bit more accountable by taking a leaf out of Sara's page and putting up some monthly goals and then reviewing at the end of the month to see how I did at them. At times it will be very disappointing, and other times it will be very encouraging, and hopefully I can use this to see those times that aren't as productive as an area for improvement and really get into what held me back.

So - here goes. It's a little early for March goals, but I am excited and want to get started right away!

  1. Discuss with Raphael when he’d like to commit to Swing class (July? August? September?)

  2. Make Galas and Gifts a Priority by completing the website update, reviewing and rewriting the business plan and creating a plan for advertising.

  3. Read APW book & review with Raphael

  4. Read Concierge Humor book – for fun!

  5. Get to gym at least x3 per week every week

  6. Re organize office: get rid of two projects and materials

  7. Complete monogrammed pizza peel project

  8. Begin work with Raphael on our family’s “mission statement”

  9. Discuss with Raphael the idea of creating chore lists and sticking to them

  10. Get items to Guild at least twice (clothing!)

  11. Determine Blog Priorities – two blogs? Three? Personal: arts and crafts? Family mission statement? Product reviews, travel, etc; goals, etc Business: Galas and Gifts – what I’m doing to promote it, events that I do, suggestions for brides and grooms wedding: MY wedding only

What I like about these goals is that they really speak to what's been bothering me in my world lately. Feeling helpless about my job / work situation, feeling disspointed in myself with regards to my ability to execute on making a small business work, and feeling generally stiff, tired, and un healthy. They also set me up for goals I will put on the list in April like ramping up the blogging by comitting to create a certain amount of content weekly, and executing pieces of the advertising plan. Other things in there will help me work on bigger yearly goals for 2012, which are outlined below.

  1. Keep getting healthy! This is a team goal between R and me

  2. Make some money off G&G

  3. De clutter (I feel like this is always a goal, and that's GOOD!)

  4. Keep improving my relationship with R, in order to build a strong emotional, financial, and physical foundation for our life together

That's where I am right now!

What are your goals for March? What's inspiring you right now?


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