Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Shopping, London, Shopping in London!

So I booked my ticket to London in April on Monday night. It's official, and I'm so excited!!

And now I have to deal with the vacation connundrum that every woman paying off massive amounts of student debt has to deal with... shop for the trip before hand so you can have fabulous new clothes or save as much as possible so you can shop while on the trip?!?!

Decisions, decisions.

Then Rue La La became the bane of my existance when I saw the DVF Outlet on sale today. I saw this:

... and fell in love! After looking at the DVF site: I'm now back at Rue La La contemplating my options.

Love this dress! I need to own it! But it's too cold in London in April to wear it. Sometimes fashion hurts. =)

Have a great day everyone!


Hayley Beth said...

Love that dress!! $255 smackers?!?! ouch :(

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