Thursday, July 9, 2009

From the Vault : Grown - up boys.

I pulled this from old notes on FB. I hope you enjoy!

**QUICK Disclaimer** This is long. I’m in a weird head place right now. Enjoy!

For the last few months I've been "single Emily." Its been fun. I've met a lot of new people, reconnected with some really old friends, and visited folks I hadn't seen in months, or even years. I've also missed out on some things, and had my fair share of frustration / drama / confusion. This latter part is MOSTLY what my note (re: blog) is about.

I'm at work today, and there are maybe a total of 4 people in the entire office, one of which being me, and the other three being the receptionist, and two other people at the other end of the hall. So I've basically been sitting here alone and in silence interrupted by my random needs for music since 8 AM. That's lead to a lot of thinking on my part.

It took a few months for me to realize that dating would be fun again, and meeting new people would be enjoyable, and that it's really one of my favorite things to do. I love the me that I am when I'm interested in someone new. I love that I have such a startling ability to hide my neuroses. All that being said, I’m really beginning to feel frustrated with guys, and I’m trying to be more introspective about what it is I’m actually looking for. I’m also ready now to talk with / date someone I actually might develop feelings for, but those months where I was picking you guys who I knew would never be a “problem” in this area… that was nice. That being said… the following is a brief outline of my frustrations and desires.

I’ve said it to many of you; I really genuinely want a guy who is slightly homosexual. Please don’t take this to mean that I hope you have butt sex from time to time… that’s really not attractive. Mostly what I mean is that you enjoy looking good. You take pride in your appearance, and when I take you to a restaurant that doesn’t give you condiments in little plastic packages you look like a human being, not like you’re still in college, or even high school. *Shudder* Also, I’m really looking for a guy that has a decent place to go home to at night. Seriously guys, if you’re going to be dating and bringing a girl home – get a fucking trash can in your bathroom. I mean, come on. It’s just something we girls need. Also, have BOTTLED WATER and CLEAN TOWELS. Girls like this. I swear. After you’ve taken us out to drink heavily the night before, when we wake up at 7 AM because the light from your uncovered window is giving us a massive headache, we’d really like to re-hydrate and shower. I’m really not into the whole “college bachelor” apartment anymore. I’ve moved past that stage in my life. If you have roommates, have a bathroom attached to your room so that I don’t have to get dressed in my sluttly club / bar clothes to wash my face or pee.

I think my biggest turn-on would have to be intelligence. This proves to be a problem, because I don’t regularly meet people who I feel it’s a challenge to talk to. Now, I meet people all the time that seem fun, or that I would like to spend some time with, but rarely do I feel like sparring with them intellectually. This is disappointing. I know I’m not a genius. I just like to learn things. So when I’m speaking with a guy who is not only teaching me things, but keeping up a “chess-game-like” conversation, I pretty much would like to make out with you right then. That being said, being with guys like this make me feel more insecure and uncomfortable, because I am SURE they are more intelligent than me, and my own failings will be more apparent to them than any of my other friends.

Now we’re going to talk about post-making out. I promise you that this does not mean that I am or that I want to be your girlfriend. If we have very tentative plans, and somehow you don’t show up, I’m sure I’ll survive, because I’m probably out doing something else, or catching up on some much needed me time. It’s really ok. But when you do it consistently, don’t get all surprised when I stop trying to get in contact with you.

Post making-out also includes the possibility of sex, or other sexual actions. This is OK too. I’m grown, liberated, single, and I genuinely enjoy sex. It doesn’t always mean that I want to have sex with you again, or to the other extreme, that all I want to do is have sex with you. Now, don’t get me wrong, I know that is exactly what I want from some of you… but others leave me feeling really frustrated.

From the best of craigslist: this is what I want. Pretty much exactly

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Me... and my addictive personality

My roommate used the words "addictive personality" at some point in our recent past and they keep coming up in my head on a regular basis. At first this disturbed me, but now I realized it's just true, and I have one.

For a long time I genuinely thought something was wrong with me. Flash back to 1990. I'm 8 years old and I can't get enough of Chicken-in-a-Biscut. It's a type of cracker that's "chicken" flavored (much like Chicken Ramen) and is super yummy. It comes in a blue box. I could identify that blue box everywhere. this is probably one of the primary reasons that particular shade of blue is one of my favorites. Lets call it "cerulean." (theres also a whole thing about the "new" Crayola crayon colors, but that's a whole different blog post). As a young impressionable red-head I can remember eating boxes and boxes of these crackers. I was addicted. I've discovered that I can't buy a box of these at this point in my life or I will immediately eat THE ENTIRE BOX.

Flash forward a couplde of years to 1994. At 12 years old I my addiction had encompassed a person and when they decided I was little to ... ahem... intense for them I was crushed. Sadness.

I've extended this particular "flaw" to video games (Dragon Warrior III, Sonic the Hedgehog, Mario Kart, Ever Quest, Final Fantasy III, and most recently Professor Layton and the Curious Village), books (usually series - the Baby Sitters Club, Harry Potter, Twilight), bands (after the Anthology came out - the Beatles, the Goo Goo Dolls, the Decemberists, Death Cab), people, food, drinks, TV shows, authors, etc etc etc. The usual pattern is as follows: something random introduces me to a new thing. I do a little reasearch and experience some of the new thing. The new thing becomes all consuming and I spend hours of work and play time searching out new forms of stimulus containting the thing that I can consume. CONSUME CONSUME CONSUME. I spend a lot of time going back and reviewing all the things that happened with the new thing before I became aware of it. Earlier bolg posts, earlier albums, earlier years of life...

It's sort of a problem for people who don't also work this way because it's all I'll talk about for the next three weeks, or until another all consuming, addiction worthy "thing" comes along.

Currently addicted to: homemade Chicken Enchiladas (thank you, Nicole); Wil Wheaton, the idea of redoing my kitchen

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Shopping, London, Shopping in London!

So I booked my ticket to London in April on Monday night. It's official, and I'm so excited!!

And now I have to deal with the vacation connundrum that every woman paying off massive amounts of student debt has to deal with... shop for the trip before hand so you can have fabulous new clothes or save as much as possible so you can shop while on the trip?!?!

Decisions, decisions.

Then Rue La La became the bane of my existance when I saw the DVF Outlet on sale today. I saw this:

... and fell in love! After looking at the DVF site: I'm now back at Rue La La contemplating my options.

Love this dress! I need to own it! But it's too cold in London in April to wear it. Sometimes fashion hurts. =)

Have a great day everyone!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Universal remotes anyone???

Recently Wired News updated their Gadget Reviews section with a review of their fave Universal Remote. See it here

I'm going to follow their lead and review MY fave - the Logitech Harmony Advanced Universal Remote for the XBOX 360 (my video game platform of choice).

The good: Better shape than previous Harmony remotes; strong backlight; choice between device or activity usage; intuitive, Web-based programming.

Setting up this is shockingly easy, if you're comfortable with your computer and a USB cable. You can personalize the screens, rearrange orders of items, and set up as many 'activities' as any one could possibly need. It easily recognized all of my components and was ready to go in about twenty minutes.

The bad: No rechargeable battery option; numeric keypad buttons are too small for people with bigger hands than I, which is most of the population; Web interface might intimidate nontechie users.

I can't say many negative comments. I *heart* this remote. I've had it for 3 years, and just purchased a replacement for the last one. 3 years for $99 - can't beat it!

The bottom line: A sleek design, an impressive feature set, and a manageable price point (~$99) make this an excellent (and long lasting!) choice for Xbox 360 owners who don't like to have 16 remotes to turn on / off recievers, TV's XBOX's, CD changers, etc etc etc

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Valentines Day Fashion!!

For this week I thought I'd do a quick piece on my favorite lingerie shop - and they're online (cause we love Tech!).

Agent Provocateur (from the Witches collection on right) is one of the most innovative and provocative lingerie lines out there right now. Imagined and created by Joseph Corré and Serena Rees in December 1994. they had an amazing response and it's morphed into a 10+ year ride that's still going strong.

Rees and Corré pulled their inspiration from avoiding the standard prudery that comes from day to day British life, labeling anything to do with sex as sleazy or smutty. At the heart of their line is an incredible array of artistic photo shoots that show case the lingerie in emotion provoking ways. One of my favorite things about surfing this site is just seeing the new galleries of photos. They really are breathtaking, some very dark, some very light hearted, but all beautiful and fantastical. Go by and check it out...maybe pick up something for your sweetie (or you!) for this weekend!

Other designer lines of note (that I love!)

Enjoy shopping!! Happy Valentine's Day!

Friday, February 6, 2009

My second Bag, Borrow or Steal experience

So, I'm sure you've heard of Bag, Borrow, or Steal (BBS) by now, and if you haven't, well, you're probably not reading this right now. What you might not know is that they don't just have great bags, they also have jewelry and sunglasses! Some of the stuff is really unbelieveable. The parent company, @avelle also has a really great twitter account about fasion and their escapades.

I have been browsing the BBS website for a few months now, finally renting my first item (left) the A.B.S. by Allen Schwartz Baguette Ombre Necklace & Earrings. I was mostly drawn in to renting this because BBS was offering a special: rent something from the Purple Passion collection and recieve a $50 credit for the upcoming outlet sale. I thought - awesome necklace and earrings for my brithday, christmas, AND New Years, PLUS $50?!?! So I was all over it. The necklace and earrings were about $40 for the week. I think I wore them 4 times.
A few weeks later the outlet sale was announced and I surfed on over. The fourth bag I saw was the Elliott Lucca 'Adele' Tote (right). It was $45.98 + $5 for shipping... so with my $50 credit this bag cost me $0.98!!!! (I still can't believe that.) It's such a great winter bag, white and gold and HUGE! Carrying this bag is like carrying around my room in stylish case.
Needless to say, I have had great experiences with BBS with one tiny exception. There is definately a need for a better business department there - mostly the shipping and billing end. They don't have very quick turnaround, you have to know you're going to want / need something and plan accordingly. Secondly, if UPS screws up and doesn't get the package back immediately, they will charge you again. BBS' customer service department, on the other hand, is awesome. Every time I've called in a VERY nice lady has helped me with a smile and usually some great fasion banter!
So, overall - great products - unbelieveable website (WHO is their webmaster - they are phenomenal) and great customer service. Be prepared for a wait.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Free People Clothing Boutique

Just stumbled across my new favorite clothing line - brought to you by the same people who are in charge of Urban Outfitters, Anthropologie, Ecote, and many more. Billed as the clothing line designed to reach ME ("a 26 year-old girl, smart, creative, confident and comfortable in all aspects of her being, free and adventurous, sweet to tough to tomboy to romantic ... and can't resist petting any dog that passes her by on the street"), and full of fabulous items like deep v neck tops, great skirts and dresses, and cami - panty sets, I definitely feel the need to pass this along and go shopping!

Enjoy - Laura, Jen, Hayley, Nicole - I can see you all loving this clothing line!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Rue La la

I have discovered - a website that has designer sales for limited times.

Love love love it! You have to be invited to join - so just let me know if you'd like to be a memeber and I'll send you an invite.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

43 Things...

I've started my list - have you?

What do you want to do with your life?

Discover what's important, make it happen, share your progress. Find your 43 things. Learn more…

I've been introduced to 43 things by Jennifer Kliegl- THANKS JEN!! - and am currently working on my list. I only have 3 on there... so 40 more to go!! I'm trying not to do trivial things like "loose weight" because I'm doing that... I don't really want to put in on a list like this. This is more a "things I've been saying I'm going to do for years and years and years and haven't yet" list.

So - check in, read on, and start your own list!! Also follow me and Jennifer and cheer us both on. The more cheers you give, the more you recieve!

What are YOUR 43 things? Good luck!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Not something I'm good at

So I've discovered this isn't something I'm good at. Who would have thought, when you usually can't get me to shut up?

I've been shown the light recently with a new site:

It's this amazing site that has boutique online sales for a certain amount of time. Pretty great prices if you're looking for high end stuff. Not just bags and sunglasses either!! I've seen men's designers, home fashions, shoes (of course) - a TON of things.

Check it out - but you have to be invited! I'd be glad to send you an invite if you leave me a comment.
Good Girls Don't, I Do © 2008 | Coded by Randomness | Illustration by Wai | Design by betterinpink!